
Corporate Yoga Sessions

Corporate yoga sessions in Dayton, Ohio

Yoga in the workforce is more common than ever before as corporations and businesses strive to support employees with personal goals, health improvements, and work-life balance. There are a number of conditions and challenges that are inherent in the workplace as a result of deadlines, meetings, diverse opinions, and, in general, sitting most of the day. The most prevalent work ailments are stress, anxiety, inability to focus, low back and hip pain, shoulder and wrist ailments, headaches, slumped posture, and poor digestion. In addition, many businesses lack natural sunlight, healthy vending machines, or a place to walk or stretch during your lunch break.

Johnson & Johnson's leaders estimate that wellness programs have cumulatively saved the company $250 million on health care costs over the past decade; from 2002 to 2008, the return was $2.71 for every dollar spent.

In a survey of employee values, taken post-covid, the number one priority of employees is their well-being. After reviewing many articles, well-being is consistently in the top three employee priorities. While it may seem like an expense, investing in your employees with corporate yoga sessions, could give you a return of: 

  • increased productivity
  • improved performance
  • enhanced team bonding
  • lower turnover rates
  • reduced medical costs

Businesses and groups we've worked with:

The Connor Group

Miami Valley Hospital

Kettering Medical Center

ChangeUp Agency

Health Carousel-Next Medical Staffing

Shiver Security Systems


Dayton Metro Library

Oakwood Library


Girl Scouts

Whole Foods

Air Force squadron

Square One Salon

Orange Theory

Miamisburg City Schools

Corporate yoga options

Yoga comes in all shapes and sizes and most likely your employees do also. Investing in employee well-being can be a complex road to travel to ensure that what you’re offering is of benefit to who you employ. At Ignite Yoga, we consider this when we discuss options for your corporate yoga sessions. Luckily, we offer a plethora of services that can integrate with your specific workplace environment.

Set schedule

Ignite Yoga provides an instructor that specializes in what type of yoga you’d like to offer your employees (i.e. meditation, gentle yoga, etc). This type of corporate yoga session is offered either to all employees, a select group of employees, or often to one or two individuals, like those in more stressful positions. Sessions are scheduled weekly or biweekly at an agreed upon day and time.

Yoga class for team building

Many businesses and organizations choose Ignite Yoga to host a yoga class for their group as a way to build team cohesion. These classes can be offered off-site at your business location or on-site at Ignite Yoga.

Yoga and wellness events

Many businesses and corporations host wellness events  one or two times a year to remind employees to prioritize their self-care. Adding yoga to wellness events provides a self-care opportunity that is accessible to everyone, regardless of their physical capabilities.

Virtual yoga

Ignite Yoga is fully set-up to offer corporate yoga sessions virtually to your staff. This allows larger corporations with multiple locations to offer yoga sessions to all employees without having to outsource in different locations. Additionally, Ignite Yoga has a full virtual studio that can be offered to employees, which allows them to improve their health at their convenience.

Corporate wellness consulting

Ignite Yoga is a reputable yoga and wellness studio in Dayton, Ohio. With over 10+ years in the yoga industry, we’ve grown to offer additional wellness services from the most qualified individuals in the Dayton area. Wellness services are provided by Ignite Yoga staff and partners, and include meditation, massage, functional breathwork, therapeutic breathwork, energetic or intuitive healing, lymphatic reset, ayurvedic nutrition counseling, functional mobility, health coaching, goal setting, physical therapy, wellness retreats, and more. Furthermore, we pride ourselves in people relations, which allows us to offer services that people need, even if they don’t know it.

Corporate wellness consulting can include:

  • planning and/or providing corporate wellness day(s) or retreats
  • 1:1 consulting to generate a plan to improve your employee’s health
  • education on best ways to approach your employee’s health and understanding mindset around health

Yoga and wellness services

  • individual or group yoga sessions
  • meditation
  • pranayama or functional breathwork
  • therapeutic breathwork
  • chair massage
  • goal setting
  • health coaching
  • wellness retreats

Schedule now

Due to the unique nature of every business, please submit your corporate yoga inquiry below and a staff member will respond within two business days.

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