We are a breath and movement yoga studio that adds more to your practice. Each yoga class and style heightens your awareness to create a practice that extends beyond your mat.
To breathe and move is a beautiful thing. It allows everything else to fall away, even just for one hour. When that hour is over, you’ll need more to maintain that blissful, calm, and powerful state off of your mat. That’s where we come in.
In each of our yoga classes, you’ll find a specific intention that gives you the tools to do the work yourself. Whether it’s body awareness, reframing your thoughts, or simply being able to recognize when you need to pause, our hope is that over time, you’ll be able to observe what you need and take action.
We’re all in this together, so here are a few other things we embrace to create a supportive environment.
We love community. You’ll find quiet during our yoga classes, but outside of those times you will hear a joyful buzz as people connect with one another in the studio. After all, we’re more powerful together.
We infuse personal development in all we do. You’ll hear it in our classes and experience it in our sequencing, but you’ll also find it on our bookshelves, in our newsletter, or via social media. We want to help you grow and we’ll give you all the resources to make it happen.
We embrace humanism. You aren’t coming to yoga because you already have inner calm. You are coming because you know you need it. And we do too. That’s why we’re here. So if you think we’re going to have it all together, we’re not. If you think we’re zenned out, we’ve definitely improved, but we’re not levitating yet. So rather than pretend to be perfect, we invite you to join us in embracing humanism.
Yoga is to control the fluctuations of your mind. We take this age old practice and uphold it in our modern world. Our vision is for every person to be responsible and powerful in the way they live.
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