A Yoga Instructor Explains What Namaste Means

Yoga lingo can be a little intimidating for beginners. It’s perfectly normal to struggle with remembering names of poses at first. However, the first question many first-time yoga students have isn’t about a particular pose name. It’s instead about a popular phrase that’s uttered at the end of every single yoga class. Any guesses on what I’m talking about? Of course, it’s namaste.

What Does Namaste Mean?

Namaste is a Sanskrit word that literally means “I bow to you.” We typically say it at the conclusion of class with a deep bow. The cool thing about this word is that it’s actually a form of “soul greeting”. So, what does it mean? The truth is that we don’t actually have an exact word-for-word translation for namaste in the English language. The general gist of what you’re communicating when saying this word to someone is “the divine in me bows to the divine in you.”

I’ve also heard people translate it to mean “the light in me bows to the light in you.” The core message is the same however you slice it. Namaste is a way of recognizing the divine light in both ourselves and others. There’s a cool synchronicity to it.

When we say namaste, we are acknowledging that we are all equal. When accompanied by a bow done with a hand over the heart, this word becomes a powerful reflection of the light within ourselves mirroring the light of those around us.

Here in the United States, namaste is typically reserved for the yoga studio. It can feel a bit like an “insider” phrase that lets others know you’re also part of the yoga club. However, anyone who has traveled to India will tell you that this phrase is uttered freely during nearly every type of encounter!

Namaste Etiquette


You now know what namaste means! However, I want to quickly cover namaste etiquette to ensure you feel 100% comfortable when you show up for yoga class. Knowing the basic etiquette regarding the use of this word will help you feel more comfortable.

When class is over, your instructor will say namaste with a slight bow. The proper way to reciprocate is to close your eyes and also bow. It’s up to you whether you prefer to do a head bow or bend at the waist. The reason why students mirror the instructor’s bow is to show humility. You are also accepting their sentiment and acknowledging the idea of your souls being intertwined. Responding to the word physically while taking in the message is both a sign of respect and a cosmic acknowledgment of the balance between mind and body.

If you’ve never been to a yoga class, I’d be thrilled to give you your first official namaste as a student! Catering to both beginners and experts, Ignite Yoga of Dayton offers yoga classes and workshops specializing in breathing and movement. Our students enjoy a path to balance in all aspects of their lives. Sign up for our new student special to get a pass for unlimited classes for 30 days!

About the Author

Picture of Justina Sanford

Justina Sanford

Justina is the owner of Ignite Yoga in Dayton, Ohio and 500 E-RYT yoga instructor. She's been teaching yoga for 15 years utilizing various yoga methodologies and has a passion for nudging people to discover what they're capable of, both on and off the mat. Justina loves to facilitate powerful experiences that often include dharma talks (life talks), breathing practices, visionwork, journaling, music, meditation, and sometimes even some unconventional methods. Justina is a former Music Therapist that has discovered a passion for entrepreneurship and helping people succeed. When she's not teaching classes, she's coaching and mentoring her staff or working to improve Ignite Yoga for students and teachers alike. Outside of small business ownership, Justina loves nature, fitness, cooking, culture, singing, and learning. Alongside her husband Chris, they take care of their three rescue dogs and travel often for outdoor adventures.

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