A few weeks ago we shared our #shoutoutsaturday with one of our community members, Anna. Anna loves practicing yoga at Ignite because it taught her how her body stores her emotions. Keep reading to learn more about Anna’s travels around Albania, her schooling to become a doula, and some good advice from her mother.
1. Where can we find you on your mat?
You can find me at Ignite and, especially recently, practicing at home. This summer my mat traveled in the car with me (love that summers off teacher life), so I got to practice by Lake Michigan, in new studios, and at friend’s homes!
2. What is a challenge that has really helped you to grow?
I moved to Albania for a year to teach English, and that year taught me a lot about finding ways to care for myself in a foreign place, surrounded by new people, speaking a language I didn’t know. Familiarity is comforting, so stepping outside what I’d always known forced me to trust myself and the people around me a little bit more.
3. Where do you feel most at home?
I feel most at home surrounded by people that feed my soul. But if I had to choose a place…my room in Albania I shared with two friends. You could see mountains out the windows and the evening golden hour light was so dang dreamy.
4. What is one thing you’ve learned on your mat at Ignite?
I’ve learned to be still and give my body more space. Yoga has pointed me to notice how my body stores emotions and experiences and, more importantly, what to do with those emotions off my mat!
5. What’s been your greatest adventure?
My biggest adventure was teaching abroad in Albania! It was a chaotic year of never knowing what was happening and learning to extend grace nonetheless. I miss Albania every day and can’t wait to go back and visit the second family I have there!
6. Where else are you lighting it up these days?
I’m currently in school to become a doula! The classes have opened my eyes to the health disparities in the birthing world and I’m passionate about supporting and advocating for birthing parents.
7. What is something you aspire to do in life?
I’m excited to doula for my close friends when they start popping out bbs!
8. What is one thing you know to be true?
My mom has been saying this to me since I was little, but on hard days, she would say, “Emotions are always bigger at night.” And I’ve learned sometimes the best way to handle hard days is to ride the emotion out, go to sleep, and wait for the sun to bring a bit of peace and clarity.
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