
5 signs you need a yoga retreat

A yoga retreat sounds great in theory, “but who actually goes on a yoga retreat?!” It’s okay. We know you’ve thought it before. We all have. However, today we are covering 5 universal signs that you need a yoga retreat. Read along and if you check any of these boxes, head over to our retreat page to learn more!

But first, what does a yoga retreat involve?
Before we discuss the 5 signs, let’s go over what all a yoga retreat offers. Of course there’s yoga, but we can get that here in Centerville, Ohio or in our homes! What else??

Yoga retreats can include:
+ meditation
+ hiking, swimming, skiing, surfing, etc.
+ sound bowls
+ tea ceremony
+ healthy meals
+ massage
+ energy work
+ mindfulness practice
+ breathwork

5 signs you need a yoga retreat

1. You feel lost or off course
Many people spend their days, weeks, and months on auto-pilot and suddenly one day it feels as if they have woken up not knowing where they are or what they are doing with life. It’s okay, this is part of being human. However, it is not something you have to suffer. With intentional time to unplug, relax, and concentrate on your personal values and desires in life, you can come home from your retreat with a renewed sense of purpose and direction.

2. You crave a break from everyday life
As stated above, a lot of people are used to a certain routine and having the same experiences day in and day out. While this often feels comfortable, sometimes we as human beings crave new experiences. Whether it be a change of scenery, engaging with new company, or trying new things, people need change in order to grow. Perhaps this is why you are frustrated with the mundane daily routine.

3. You experienced or are expecting a big life change
Births, deaths, changes in jobs or location. All of these big life moments can leave us feeling exhausted, confused, lonely, and stressed. A yoga retreat is a great way to set aside time for yourself to adjust to the real life changes these events bring on us and allow us to process through our emotions.

4. You’re searching for a deeper connection
This is a very common reason people seek out yoga retreats. It’s no secret that yoga provides people with a sense of connection: connection to self, others, and to a higher power. Perhaps your life has felt lacking, or maybe you feel as if you can’t get your feet on solid ground. We all live such busy lives, it’s hard for us to truly feel deep connections these days. A few days of concentrated yoga, meditation, and mindfulness is sure to bring about that deeper connection you’re seeking.

5. You’re feeling burnt out
You knew this one was coming. Burn out is a huge topic of discussion in today’s society. Many people are feeling overworked, under appreciated, dissatisfied in their career, overwhelmed, and so many more emotions that come with burn out. People are either miserable in a job just because it pays the bills, or are trying their best to stick it out in a career they once loved, but are now questioning based on how their job treats them. Maybe you don’t have to storm out the next time you get a less-than-nice email at work. Perhaps you need a yoga retreat. Imagine the clarity and resolve you could bring to your career with just a bit of relaxation and intention.

If any of the above signs resonates with you, we encourage you to explore a retreat with Ignite Yoga. We would love for you to join us at our Yoga+Adventure: Zion National Park retreat next summer!

About the Author

Picture of Hannah Wathen

Hannah Wathen

Hannah is one of our Administrators here at Ignite Yoga. Hannah found Ignite early in 2023 after moving to Ohio in 2022. Ignite quickly became home and by August, she was entering into her role behind the computer and in our lobby. Occupational Therapist is the job title Hannah has held for 12 years, but she is now stepping out of her comfort zone and trying something new. Social media, Newsletters, and Events are 3 of the countless things Hannah manages at the studio. She has a love for all things wellness and is happy to be a part of this community in her new home.

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