Recovery Through Yoga: An Interview with Community Member Jenny

Today we’re happy to share the full interview from one of our #shoutoutsaturday posts with one of our community members, Jenny. Jenny has a real love for yoga especially after it helped her recover from a near-death experience with pneumonia two years ago. She found yoga to be really helpful in her recovery process.

1. What is one thing about yoga that helped you recover?

I believe that the breathing and twisting in different poses help to stretch and break scar tissue built up in and around my lungs.

2. If you could’ve told yourself something two years ago about your recovery, what would you say?

When they told you that it would take 2 years for you to start to begin to feel normal again I should have believed the docs and not have been so frustrated with my progress.

3. Where can we find you on your mat?

These days I can be found on my mat on my patio, live streaming any number of classes through Ignite.

4. What is a challenge that has really helped you to grow?

Regarding yoga, a change that has helped me grow is putting myself out there to experience and embrace heated classes. I never thought I could make it through one, but now have grown to really like it! Personally, changing my career path last year was and continues to be a challenge. After 16 years, to change my trajectory has been a test, but one that yoga continues to help me with.

5. Where do you feel most at home?

I feel most at home on my patio and by any sort of body of water.

6. What is one thing you’ve learned on your mat at Ignite?

I have learned to give myself a break. To surrender and give in to where the universe wants to take me. To truly let go and trust the process. 

7. What’s been your greatest adventure?

Seeing the Grand Canyon last year was so humbling and life changing.

8. Where else are you lighting it up these days?


9. What is something you aspire to do in life?

Be a professional singer

10. Is there anything else about yourself you would like to share?

I have a BM (Bachelors of Music) with an emphasis in vocal performance (opera singer) 🙂 LOL

11. What is one thing you know to be true?

For some of us the struggle to truly love ourselves is lifelong. I do believe that everything begins with us on the inside, and that if we continue to work towards loving ourselves and being our own best friend that we will keep growing and giving to others.

About the Author

Picture of Justina Sanford

Justina Sanford

Justina is the owner of Ignite Yoga in Dayton, Ohio and 500 E-RYT yoga instructor. She's been teaching yoga for 15 years utilizing various yoga methodologies and has a passion for nudging people to discover what they're capable of, both on and off the mat. Justina loves to facilitate powerful experiences that often include dharma talks (life talks), breathing practices, visionwork, journaling, music, meditation, and sometimes even some unconventional methods. Justina is a former Music Therapist that has discovered a passion for entrepreneurship and helping people succeed. When she's not teaching classes, she's coaching and mentoring her staff or working to improve Ignite Yoga for students and teachers alike. Outside of small business ownership, Justina loves nature, fitness, cooking, culture, singing, and learning. Alongside her husband Chris, they take care of their three rescue dogs and travel often for outdoor adventures.

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