Breaking Mental Barriers: Interview With Katie Ann Mathews of Ordinarie Fare

Last week we got to sit down with yoga mom and business owner, Katie Ann Mathews. Katie Ann is the owner of Ordinarie Fare, a food company who creates food that is plant-based, gluten-free, dairy-free, refined-sugar free, mindfully made, and seriously delightful. You can check out their website here to learn more about how you can get plant-based peanut butter cheese-cake and some bliss balls.

Keep reading to see how Katie Ann really emulates values of living powerfully.

1. Where can we find you on your mat?

Pre-quarantine, at Ignite or at home. These days, in my living room with my two year old doing down dog and happy baby right alongside me 🙂

2. What is a challenge that has really helped you to grow?

Navigating mental health diagnoses and anxiety for much of my life. It has taught me the power of staying present, self-compassionate, and in tune with the wisdom of my body more than anything else in my life.

3. Where do you feel most at home?

In my kitchen, and on the west coast. Both places keep me connected to beauty, creativity, my own goodness, and the best food I know 🙂

4. What is one thing you’ve learned on your mat at Ignite?

Mental barriers hold us back far more than perceived physical limitations. Doing poses and holding poses I never thought I could has helped me shed my limiting beliefs and not be afraid of falling, failure, and looking awkward. In fact, these things are the prerequisites for success. This has absolutely transferred off my mat and into my life and work, and I’m so grateful to Ignite and my yoga practice.

5. What’s been your greatest adventure?

Being a mother. My daughter brings me more discovery, laughter, and beauty than any place I’ve traveled yet. She is my hero and my greatest teacher.

6. Where else are you lighting it up these days?

I am the owner and creator behind the goods at @goodstuffkitchen (soon to be @ordinariefare) a plant-forward food company based in Dayton!

7. What is something you aspire to do in life?

Open a brick and mortar for ordinarie fare and inspire women towards greater self-compassion.

8. Is there anything else about yourself you would like to share?

I identify as a 4w3 on the enneagram! I’m the type who has pursued a unique identity and the extraordinary my whole life, so I find it interesting to see that, as I grow, I am finding so much goodness in the simple, ordinary things of life, and within myself. It soothes me to learn that we are not confined by labels, numbers, or old patterns. We can become new, at any time, in the most unbelievable, stunning ways.

9. What is one thing you know to be true?

Our bodies carry so much wisdom, about life, truth, our relationships, our paths. Our culture has taught us to dismiss or to control the body in all kinds of ways, but the truest thing I know is that divinity and truth is found right here, in my skin and bones, and I want to spend my lifetime living into that and helping others see the same.
Also, that there is nothing that a hearty sprinkle of flaky sea salt cannot make better. It is the culinary dust of the gods. 🙂

If you wanted to stay in touch with Katie Ann you can follow Ordinarie Fare on Instagram @ordinariefare.

About the Author

Picture of Justina Sanford

Justina Sanford

Justina is the owner of Ignite Yoga in Dayton, Ohio and 500 E-RYT yoga instructor. She's been teaching yoga for 15 years utilizing various yoga methodologies and has a passion for nudging people to discover what they're capable of, both on and off the mat. Justina loves to facilitate powerful experiences that often include dharma talks (life talks), breathing practices, visionwork, journaling, music, meditation, and sometimes even some unconventional methods. Justina is a former Music Therapist that has discovered a passion for entrepreneurship and helping people succeed. When she's not teaching classes, she's coaching and mentoring her staff or working to improve Ignite Yoga for students and teachers alike. Outside of small business ownership, Justina loves nature, fitness, cooking, culture, singing, and learning. Alongside her husband Chris, they take care of their three rescue dogs and travel often for outdoor adventures.

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